78th Independence day celebration in Vispute college
Chief guest Hon. Mr. Rajendra Mahanubhav. ( Wing comander)
Gurupornima Celebration In Vispute School Of Nursing New Panvel
International Yoga Day celebration
Shri D.D. Vispute School of Nursing students celebrate international Yoga day at Ajiwali PHC center
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Women’s Day 2024
On the occasion of International Women's Day,on 9th March 2024, our Shri D.D.Vispute School Of, Nursing,Panvel has organised panel discussion regarding 5 pillars of women empowerment; education, health, security, finances and emotional stability. For this...
Kalakriti 2024
Kalakriti 2024... With the fun, joyful moments, and enjoyment our days have been celebrated gracefully from 5/02/24 to 08/02/24 Our students flaunted in unique ways according to the themes and had so much fun.Games, fun activities and students participation made this...
Kalakriti 2024
Yeahhh.... It's finally happening... KALAKRITI 2024 Join us to experience this fun... Let's enjoy together....
National Voter’s Day
ऋषिकेश शिक्षण प्रसारक मंडळाच्या वतीने आज राष्ट्रीय मतदार दिनानिमित्त संस्थेचे चेअरमन श्री धनराजजी विसपुते यांच्या अध्यक्षतेखाली नव मतदाता संमेलनाचे आयोजन केले गेले होते. भारताचे पंतप्रधान श्री नरेंद्रजी मोदी यांनी नवोदित मतदारांना संबोधित केले त्याचे थेट live...
श्री ऋषीकेश शिक्षण प्रसारक मंडळ ,पनवेल यांच्या वतीने अयोध्यातील भव्यदिव्य श्री राममंदिराच्या प्राणप्रतिष्ठापनेच्या निमित्ताने शोभायात्रा आयोजित केली गेली होती. शोभायात्रेचे नेतृत्व चेअरमन श्री. धनराजजी विसपुते यांनी केले. जय श्री राम नारा लावत ही शोभायात्रा...